0x71 Discord Embed API


  • title Max length: 255 characters.
  • description Max length: 2047 characters.
  • image An image URL.
  • providerName Max length 255 characters.
  • providerUrl A URL. (Visited when providerName is clicked)
  • authorName Max length 255 characters.
  • authorUrl A URL. (Visited when authorName is clicked)
  • color Hex colorcode. (e.g. 2a635c)
  • isBanner Boolean. (If true image is placed under text)


This API has a rate limit of 10 per minute.


Make a JSON POST request to / with at least one of the parameters within the body.
The API will return an ID which can be acessed with /<ID>


Make a GET request to / with at least one of the parameters within the query string.
The API will return an ID which can be acessed with /<ID>

Using the embeds in Discord

Simply send the link (i.e. https://em.0x71.cc/<ID>) in Discord and the embed will be created.
Embed links expire after 5 minutes so if you send it after that or edit the message after that the embed will not work.


What we collect:

  • Your IP address

What we use it for:

  • Rate limiting
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